The National Insulation Association (NIA) welcomes the Chancellor’s summer economic statement which announced a £3 billion green jobs plan to boost employment whilst accelerating the transition to net-zero by 2050. £2 billion of funding for a Green Homes Grant scheme is a major boost for jobs which could have a huge impact on reducing emissions from existing homes whilst making homes more affordable to run.
A solid foundation of customer care and technical competency is already established to support the scheme and credible, financially viable companies are ready to invest in new sustainable jobs to support its successful and impactful delivery.
It is vital that the interests of the consumer are put at the heart of the scheme from inception. Those in receipt of the grant should receive outstanding levels of customer service and the highest possible standard of quality installation, using accredited and guaranteed systems and products.
Getting the scheme design right and learning lessons from the past will maximise the number of sustainable jobs created whilst benefiting customers and contributing to the longer-term challenge of bringing all homes up to EPC Band C by 2035.
The NIA looks forward to continuing to work with colleagues across industry and government over the coming weeks to develop a successful scheme that improves the energy efficiency of homes across the country.
Derek Horrocks, Chairman of the National Insulation Association said:
“The National Insulation Association has been active in encouraging a Home Upgrade Grant scheme such as this in recent months. As we recover from the crisis and accelerate the low carbon transition, improving the quality of our homes will have wide-reaching benefits but it is essential that the scheme firmly locks in quality rather than just quantity. Industry is ready and willing to ensure that both are delivered at the same time.”
Notes to Editors:
- The NIA published a report, setting out how a Home Upgrade Scheme might work on 29th June 2020
- The NIA was one of nine energy efficiency industry groups to write to the Chancellor, calling for the
introduction of the scheme this calendar year. Read the full letter here. - The National Insulation Association (NIA) represents the insulation industry in the UK with a member base comprised of installers, system certificate holders, and manufacturers who provide a wide range of insulation solutions for homes and buildings. The NIA and its members are fully committed to maintaining and raising standards within the insulation industry
- For more on joining the NIA, please visit http://www.nia-uk.org/nia-members/join-the-nia/
Media Enquiries:
Christina Thompson-Yates
Telephone: 07394 560 984| Email christina.thompsonyates@ecuity.com